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Security Xray System

Security Xray System

Security Xray System

Gilardoni is a world leader in X-Ray and ultrasonic equipment, OEM components and services relating, medical and non - destructive testing sectors. ANG Secure Pvt Ltd. is the Head Distributor of their systems in the Indian Market.

A wide range of X-ray machines are available in varying sizes. We also have a range of mobile systems.

The FEP ME SCANTRUCK is the product of choice when mobility of hold baggage control is required. It is guaranteed to perform under severe climatic conditions.

FEP ME 640
An ideal solution for hand baggage control is provided by the widely installed FEP MEV 640, which utilizes the most advanced technology in a reliable and easy to use system to screen hand baggage upto 60cm*40cm. Based on the powerful operating system Linux.

FEP ME 1000 HC
This system utilizes a larger tunnel size than the FEB ME-640, making it suitable for hold baggage and other such applications.


Multi -energy X-ray system for security screening of small pallets and large packages.

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